The Grand Loon Deflation
Message ID: 378672
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-06-08 18:06:00
Subject: The Grand Loon Deflation
Well, the conference call came and went. Nobody managed to ask any questions about treycc or any of the other "incriminating" things. There were no confessions from McBride, and there is no chance of seeing him rot in a jail cell because of the Loon strategy. The SEC will continue to ignore SCO and its allegedly illegal activities. All in all, a bummer for the Loons!
But then, it's not like the Loons actually expected to accomplish anything they planned. It's like saying "We'll crush Microsoft" or "Linux desktop will replace Windows". There is no reasonable hope of accomplishing it. You just say it because it sounds good. The sad thing is, the Linux Loons are no longer able to distinguish between reality and their fantasy.
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