The Linux Buffalo
Message ID: 378524
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Linux Buffalo
There is a saying in my language: when a piece of news or information doesn't affect someone at all, we say "heavy rain on a buffalo".
There is a heavy rain of discontent against the Lamex system. Many surveys, reports, reviews, almost wherever you turn, you see people finding fault with Lamex. And yet, none of this affects the Linux Buffalo.
Hubbard's cult disapproved of cult members watching TV (except for Star Trek) and reading newspapers. They didn't want anybody to suddenly wake up and snap out of Hubbard's trance. The Linux cult is a little more sophisticated. These guys watch everything, read everything, but they got a little filter for everything. They have their defence mechanisms in place, so nothing breaks the little shell they constructed around themselves. "Alright, come clean now. Who is paying you to say such awful things about Linux?"
Only someone outside the cult (like myself) can see this for what it is: Linux Loons deluding themselves. The Linux Loons will never figure it out for themselves. They go through their entire lives, making up some fantastic theories about why everybody else's reality differs so much from their own, but they cannot break through.
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