The Linux Conspiracy
Message ID: 383549
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Linux Conspiracy
One of the Wodehouse stories has the main character losing his hat in a restaurant. A movie producer finds it, finds out who it belongs to, and invites our man to collect his hat. When our man goes to the producer's office, he is asked to sign a paper. Thinking it is some kind of receipt for the hat, he signs it without reading it, only to find out later that he has unwittingly agreed to become one of the writers for a movie! On his writer job, he comes across several others who are similarly ensnared, and some of them are there for years!
The Linux Loons lie their asses off, overselling Linux to innocent Windows users. Linux is very easy and very secure, they say. Somebody inevitably takes the bait. The installation goes through "smoothly". Half the hardware may not work correctly, but the installation won't bomb out. The true colors of Linux start coming out as time progresses, and, ultimately, the newbie hits message boards looking for information. Here, he is told he has to learn some things to get his computer to work properly, but it is all for his own good. Once he does that, Linux will have no problems, he is told, and does he really want to go back to Windows with all its security problems?
If the newbie persists, he will learn enough in a few months to get some things working, and to learn to go without certain things "for his own good." He feels a little comfortable with Linux, and besides, if something is not working today, there is always a new version around the corner, so he sticks around. In another few months, he comes a regular Linux zombie. He is testing software, filing bug reports, participating in forums, directing newbies, and may be even writing documentation.
See, this is the hidden purpose of the cult recruitment all along: to turn ordinary citizens into coders, testers, maintainers, and document writers. This is why the Loons keep selling Linux with lies. They need more and more people to test their mediocre software, to help them fix it, and to document all the ways it loses in practice. If the Loons had their way, they will turn the whole world into some sort of coder paradise. They Linux Loons *must* be stopped at all costs.
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