The Loon Plot Uncovered
Message ID: 378225
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Loon Plot Uncovered
I have, through a series of illuminating posts, provoked the Linux Loons to reveal their strategy. Their diabolical plot is now revealed for the world. It goes like this:
The Loons will post provocative messages claiming that SCO has no case. They hope that any SCO insiders will be enraged by this, and start defending SCO and, in the process, start disclosing details of SCO's court schemes. The information thus obtained will be promptly relayed to the IBM lawyers for legal analysis (and to PJ for paralegal analysis), and IBM will be ready for SCO in court. Most Loons are probably only pretending to be Loons - they are probably employed by IBM. (I exclude freecode from this. He is doing this on his own. He is clearly too unbalanced to be employed by IBM.)
If this is not the purpose, then ask yourself why the heck do the Loons keep posting the same drive day after day after day? They admit there are no retail investors. It's not like SCO is saying anything in public to boost its stock price. The scenario I have outlined is the only plausible one.
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