The Wikipedia Defense
Message ID: 377584
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: The Wikipedia Defense
It's well known that the Linux Losers have no life, and hang around obscure message boards even during weekends. I happened to be busy over the weekend. (If I were not, and if I had replied to half a dozen posters, then some Loser would have complained I'm posting too much. As mentioned already, there are lots of Linux Losers and only one deepdistrust. I have to post more to stem the flood of misinformation.)
The "Wikipedia Defense" reads 'experts make mistakes too, so it is alright for non-experts to write encyclopedias.' The Linux Losers have come up with a similar argument here.
Doctors make mistakes too, so the next time one of the Wikipedia editors gets seriously sick and needs surgery, I suggest he should get a plumber to operate on him. Or better yet, he should get a dozen plumbers. The 'collective intelligence' will kick in, with each plumber correcting the others' mistakes, and the whole thing will be much cheaper than going to qualified medical professionals.
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