Two problems with the Lamex System

Message ID: 379381
Posted By: deepdistrust
Posted On: 2006-06-11 00:52:00
Subject: Two problems with the Lamex System

Lamex has only two problems - it can't interface very well with devices, it can't interface very well with people. Other than that, it is fine. (You may wonder what else is left other than interfacing with devices and people for an operating system. There is always scope for a primitive multi-tasking system in appliances and such.)

Ease of use, extensibility, adaptability, easy availability of help, stability, reliability, and other attributes required in a desktop computer are only to be found in the Windows operating system developed by the software giant Microsoft.

Not satisfied with its complete command of the desktop market (where it is done kicking Lamex butt), Microsoft started competing vigorously in other areas where a more primitive OS is a better fit - appliances, clusters, supercomputers. I predict Windows will completely replace Lamex in all those in the next two to five years. The Lamex people can officially close shop then, and the Finnish man can join Microsoft (where he can be in charge of running regression tests on Microsoft's operating systems, far far away from software design or development of any kind).

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