WGA harmless
Message ID: 380035
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: WGA harmless
"The software checks what is installed on your machine and then reports back to Microsoft - it sends your IP number and information on your software set-up. If your software is dodgy you will start receiving pop-up reminders from Microsoft."
Despite the noise made by the anti-Microsoft community, this sounds completely harmless. It *has* to report back to Microsoft, how else is it supposed to work? Microsoft has to do all it can to avoid mistakenly flagging genuine software as pirated one, of course, but other than that, it's much ado about nothing. Microsoft is on record saying that they don't want unhappy customers, so everybody should put this behind them, and continue to buy Windows as if nothing happened.
(Oh, and, by the way, Enderle *was* banned from groklaw. People have trouble believing anything negative about groklaw or Linux, so naturally, they will protest. Evidence for this is completely destroyed by, I suspect, the cunning paralegal. So there.)
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