Windows Server more reliable than Linux

Message ID: 378392
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Windows Server more reliable than Linux

Some of the Loons tried to spin this as Windows having better reliability gains, but that is false. It's not just reliability gains, it's reliability. Windows has 20% more annual uptime than Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Microsoft is to be truly admired. Despite being the makers of most widely used software, they didn't rest on their laurels. They have made steady improvements in all areas, captured a large part of the server market, and made Linux desktop irrelevant. (Though Linux desktop was always irrelevant, some people *were* threatening to switch to it one time. Now, even the talk is gone. Linux desktop is history. Gone. Done with. Exterminated.)

If you hate Windows, that's fine. We, at Deepdistrust Inc., always believed in choice. But, Linux is not your savior. Linux folks are too arrogant and too blind to their own faults. Linux will never improve where it counts. Besides, open sores will never cut it - the margins are very narrow. Jump off the Linux bandwagon, and look for a proprietary operating system to support.

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