Groklaw and Linux - both based on Lies

Message ID: 387788
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Groklaw and Linux - both based on Lies

(It pays to post this message often. It's getting a little too righteous around here, these days. Bringing Loons down to earth is always a Good Thing.)

Groklaw and Lamex, both claim to be founded on lofty principles, but once you pierce the facade, you will see lies, deception and ugliness.

Groklaw's moderators claim to be running a community web site, but delete and hide messages, "cleanse" threads, freeze user IDs, and remove attributions - all based on some undisclosed criteria. Pamela Jones does publish a set of rules for participants, but the rules the moderators actually enforce are not the published ones. Groklaw moderators have been known to lock IDs of users who are merely suspected to be associated with the SCO group. In public, however, Pamela Jones claims SCO folks can participate on groklaw.

Lamex is supposed to be about liberating software, but it seems to be more about liberating people from truth. Lamex supporters routinely lie on message boards all over the internet. They lie about Lamex's capabilities, and they spread FUD about Microsoft's software. They act like goons when dealing with any criticism of Lamex. In their perverted world view, these vile actions are justified because they think the ends ("free software") justify the means.

The self-appointed "liberators" of groklaw and Lamex are bigger threats to the world than the imaginary enemies they are out to save it from.

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