IBM *could* settle with SCO
Message ID: 388388
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: IBM *could* settle with SCO
Loons claiming IBM will never settle need to be ignored. These are some of the same people who
1) have been claiming for the last 7 years that Linux desktop is as easy to use as Windows (Linux desktop continues to be a piece of s**t to this day).
2) have been claiming for the last 3 years that SCO will be laughed out of courts (SCO stayed in courts, 3 years and counting, and it still has more than a hundred instances of alleged violations by IBM undismissed).
3) have been claiming for a long, long time that open source programs are inherently more secure (There is an unending stream of security vulnerabilities discovered in open source programs daily).
4) have been claiming for long that open source programs tend to have better quality (With very few notable exceptions, open source programs quality is just too terrible for words).
5) have been claiming that Free Software doesn't hurt commercial software houses (That this is boneheaded is too fucking obvious).
6) have claimed that they will "crush" Microsoft, though only as a side effect (Forget about crushing Microsoft, they are the ones who are crushed; Linux desktop is a colossal failure, Linux is fading as a server, and the industry is in the midst of a trough of disillusionment with Linux).
Linux Loons are deluded. They have their own version of reality that differs from everyone else's. If the Loons say IBM will never settle, then it almost means IBM will definitely settle. So, feel free to go get some of that SCO stock for yourself. A bet against Loons is a safe bet, by definition.
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