IBM steals SCOX's IP
Message ID: 388992
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: IBM steals SCOX's IP
This is what SCO is claiming in its case. I'm inclined to believe there is some truth to this for one reason and one reason only. As the case went to trial, an unknown paralegal opened up a web site that soon became a place to spread FUD about SCO.
This person, Pamela Jones, used to be a Jehovah's Witness. Then, she worked in her son's company. Then, she wrote some recipes and put up a web site to host them, and an LLC company as the web site's owner. Then, she started writing about open source. This is some natural progress, huh? JW to working for your son's medical appliances company(?) to writing recipes to writing about open source software. There is something fishy here. She is likely an IBM agent. Why does IBM need agents if it is innocent of any wrong-doing?
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