Is Linux the worst operating system?
Message ID: 392789
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Is Linux the worst operating system?
Is Linux the worst operating system ever to be produced by mankind? Quite possibly. Is it the most time-consuming one to use and to hack? Without a doubt. Does its users suffer from the worst kind of dependency entanglements? Yes, they do. One man called it a 'lifetime of dependency conflicts', and that man is not far wrong. Tightly binding things like Torvalds is fond of doing is long recongnized as the worst thing you can do in software development.
Andy Tannenbaum told Linus Torvalds years ago that Torvalds' ideas on operating systems are outdated. Torvalds persisted nevertheless. A lot of Microsoft-hating Communism-loving Eurohackers joined hands with him to develop Linux into a semi-usable program.
Andy Tannenbaum is a sensible man (despite his dissing of Dijkstra's banker's algorithm, I should add). For several years, he never bothered about developing a usable operating system, instead concentrating on teaching. Recently, he came out with Minix 3, which looks like a fine program, eminently capable of kicking Linux's butt all over the place in no time, given adequate support from the community. Linux doesn't have long to live. If SCO doesn't gobble it up, if Vista doesn't demonstrate its worthlessness convincingly, Minix 3 will kill it dead.
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