Linux PC is a joke
Message ID: 392728
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux PC is a joke
I wanted to see if somebody could locate a Linux PC for sale by searching on google. Sure enough, there was an ad by Dell - "Linux Computer". Clicking the link takes you to a page with two PCs advertised, and neither of them runs Linux!! "Genuine Windows XP", it is. Dell is just messing with the Linux Loons!
There is an ad by IBEXPC on the next google search results page. You go to the site, and click on 'Linux systems', and you find that for $329, you get an IBEX 4210 - AMD Sempron 2600+, 256MB memory, 80 GB hard disk, 52X CD-rom, a floppy drive, built-in video and ethernet, no monitor, and no OS! You can get Fedora or Ubuntu pre-loaded for an additional $39 (total $368).
You go to circuit city, and find that for $349, you get an Acer PC with Sempron 3200+, 512MB memory, 160GB Sata hard disk, CD-RW/DVD-ROM, no floppy drive, built-in video and ethernet, no monitor, a 9-in-1 card reader and Windows XP SP2 pre-loaded.
The freeloading Loons strongly desire cheap PC's, but you have to get a Windows PC (and pay for Windows) if you want a cheap PC. Oh, what a dilemma for the Loons - "Punish" Microsoft, or save money?
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