Linux supporters aiding and abetting
Message ID: 389358
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Linux supporters aiding and abetting
SCO does not claim the open source community disclosed Unix methods and concepts. SCO claims IBM did so. This is purely a fight between SCO and IBM. So, why are Linux supporters 'fighting' this 'fight'?
And, it went way beyond defence now. The Linux supporters are on the offensive. There are daily claims of "crimes" of all kind by SCO. The Swede was talking about 'doctored evidence'. He fell silent, and altogether stopped posting after I questioned him on this. Why didn't the court say even a *single* thing about this so called doctored evidence?
There are cries of SEC violations almost from the very beginning. Everytime somebody noticed an insider's stock position decreasing, accusations invariably followed. Not only are the Linux fans saying those things on this board, they are busy writing to the SEC. And yet, the SEC, amazingly enough, said *NOTHING* about any of this to SCO.
Linux fans are busy manufacturing crimes against SCO. They are desperate to 'put SCO away' on something, anything, before the trial even commences. L Ron Hubbard would have been proud of Linux supporters if these guys were in his cult. After watching the Linux supporters' claims of imaginary SCO crimes for so long, I am beginning to suspect SCO is correct in at least some of its claims. Why is there such desperation to shut SCO up before SCO has a chance to prove its case in courts? We know Darl McBride has had a bodyguard for some time. I laughed when I first heard about it, but I don't anymore.
Ralph Yarro, of all people, is now accused of some imaginary crimes by the Linux supporters. Based on what evidence? Just their imagination. Consider how absurd this is.
Linux fans are wearing the cloak of righteous indignation, but underneath it, they are looking more and more like accomplices everyday. This behavior cannot be allowed to continue. People making false claims against SCO on this board must be investigated by the Government, and made to shut up.
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