Loon Panic
Message ID: 391432
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Loon Panic
The news of SCO's appeal seems to have sent the Loons into a state of panic. They were seen reciting to each other all the reasons why SCO *should* lose in court. Actually, mutual Loon reassurance seems to be the primary function of this forum. You get scared, you let a fellow Loon reassure you that SCO has no chance. After you hear somebody tell you why McBride is going to jail, you are no longer afraid that SCO will win this lawsuit.
Unfortunately for the Loons, reality is unaffected by their wishful thinking. I come here daily to point this out, despite strong objections from the Loons. The new message board format is going to make this more difficult for me. Several Thuggish Loons seem to be acting in concert to rate my messages low, so they will disappear from *everyone's* default view.
I will be sure to come back here to rub it in after SCO wins this case.
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