Loons: Shut up about MS Word now
Message ID: 386597
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Loons: Shut up about MS Word now
"OpenOffice.org has released a security update to its alternative office productivity suite following the discovery of three potentially serious security vulnerabilities during an internal audit."
"The first of the three flaws means that Java applets can break out of a secure 'sandbox' in which they are designed to execute. Next up there's a security bug in the processing of macros which means macros might be invoked even when a user has disabled the function. Finally, flaws in the parsing of XML file formats mean that maliciously constructed files could be used to trigger a buffer overflow thereby potentially allowing a hacker to inject hostile code onto vulnerable systems. Users are able to disable Java applets as a workaround against the first flaw, but the other security bugs require patching."
Now, who was that idiot that was crying about MS Word security problems? Fix your open sores first, dumbo!
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