Microsoft Monopoly Good For You

Message ID: 389092
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Microsoft Monopoly Good For You

Microsoft being a monopoly on the desktop actually benefts the consumer. When people make things, they need to make them only for Windows. There is a 'standard' environment for everyone to develop for and use. Things tend to work with each other well. (Anybody that tried to use Linux on the desktop knows how valuable this is, because Linux doesn't have it.) OS reasonably cheap despite the monopoly status. Office is costly, but people are writing whole books with Windows Word, and Excel is put to many advanced uses in corporations, and there are not many presentations without PowerPoint. Price follows function. For individual use, try cheaper programs like WordPerfect or Open Office. (Never pirate Microsoft Office or any other Microsoft software. Thank you.)

So, if Microsoft screwed a competitor or two to attain that monopoly status, just remember that they are doing it all for you, the man on the street.

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