SCO owns Unix

Message ID: 390463
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: SCO owns Unix

I have posted a link to Ransom Love's quote saying Caldera owned the Unix code. The Linux Loons have started the vicious spin cycle explaining how this doesn't matter, but they are dead wrong.

Just because no single entity owns all the copyrights on Unix, it doesn't mean that if you lay your hands on that code, you can start using that with impunity, without the consent of anybody, and without paying anybody. When USL was licensing Unix to others, USL didn't own all the copyrights either. They still had the right to change any of the code, and to license use of that code to its clients. If somebody uses that code without permission, USL was still the entity that would sue that somebody.

Ownership here seems to refer to the much maligned 'control rights' that McBride was talking about. Caldera owned Unix. It is absurd to suggest (as the Loons are suggesting) that a cofounder of Caldera didn't know what the company owned.

When it comes to copyrights, Love acknowledges Caldera didn't own copyrights on all of the code. What is left unsaid is, Caldera did have copyrights (or a promise of transfer of copyrights from Novell) on a lot of that code. It very much looks like Novell has now developed amnesia, and is trying to go back on an earlier agreement. Novell has started colluding with IBM, and in return for that favor, IBM has invested $50 million in Novell. The circle is complete. The fix is in place. The scam can now go on with backing from the right quarters.

Linux Loons are now supporting that scam by repeating IBM's lies on message boards.

Ransom Love will take the stand in the SCO-Novell litigation. The Loon lies will come to light in front of the whole world.

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