Since when did SCO start OWNing UNIX?
Message ID: 390237
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Since when did SCO start OWNing UNIX?
Any of the Loons have any information on when the newSCO first started calling itself the owner of Unix operating system?
>>> "The goal of Caldera International is to make Linux on industry standard
hardware the alternative business platform," said Ransom Love, CEO of
Caldera International. "With the completion of this acquisition, Caldera
will be the only company to offer a standard unified platform that allows
Linux applications to scale to the enterprise utilizing the power, maturity
and stability of UNIX. It's a first..." <<<
How can "Linux applications scale to the enterprise utilizing the power, maturity and stability of UNIX" ? Is Ransom Love talking about putting Unix code into Linux? Can Caldera do that, if it didn't "own" the Unix code?
Note: any information provided by the Loons may be used against them. I'm hoping atleast some of the Loons are good sports.
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