What's up with Munich Linux Migration?

Message ID: 388868
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: What's up with Munich Linux Migration?


< The City of Munich's LiMux project center is rejecting charges by the Senate administration of Berlin that the migration to free software has gotten stuck before it ever got going. As Project director Peter Hofmann told heise online, "Open Source software at the workplace is a reality in Munich." >

What the heck is he talking about? It's supposed to be migration to Linux desktop, not just 'open source software at the workplace'! 

< Hofmann added that "most users" in the city's administration use individual Open Source programs to surf the net, write e-mails, or edit graphics, for example, "on the Microsoft Windows operating system, which remains dominant." >

Windows operating system still remains dominant? WTF are you guys doing then? It's already July 2006, bozo! People are not even trying the LiMux desktops yet? According to an earlier report (2005) on The Register,

"The Lord Mayor's office, boasting 250 desktops, is reported to be first in line for the transfer, but even that will not happen until mid-way through 2006, and not all the machines will make the switch right away."


Which means some machines *will* make the switch. But, nothing like that seems to have happened. They are still playing with Open Sores on Windows (the dominant platform, by the way, to hear it from the Munich bozo!)

What's up boys and girls? Have you found out it is much easier to hate Microsoft than to actually move away from it to the mediocre Open Sores? How much taxpayer money have you wasted to make this momentous discovery?

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