Why Wikipedia can drive you wacky
Message ID: 393489
Posted By: deepdistrust
Subject: Why Wikipedia can drive you wacky
"You do not get to choose whether or not an article on you appears in Wikipedia, and you have no veto power over its contents. The article can cast you as a genius or an imbecile, a respected scientist or a crackpot. ... a vandal could replace a page, any page, with total gibberish. The page on Einstein might have a statement inserted to the effect that he was a Nazi collaborator, or that his theories have been totally discredited, or that he was a silicon-based life form from Proxima Centauri. ... Wikipedia does not operate by your rules but by its own conventions; I suggest you learn to accept it. ... I can assure you resistance is futile."
And people are proud of this little shit?
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